Friday, April 17, 2009

The Silver Donkey

I thought I would explain about why I liked this book I recomment from my side post. I found it for a great discount at one of the discount book sellars that send me stuff in the mail. I think it may have been Daedelus. Anyway, I read it out loud to our family a month or so before Christmas last year. It wasn't a deep plot, or action packed, but it was a thoughtful story about a couple of small children who find a blind runaway soldier during a time of war. The book itself was beautiful wih a dark green cover and a silver ribbon.

I think that not only was it enjoyable to read aloud, but that we were all together, enjoying something together with an age range in the family of age 11 to 50. For us all to sit down together and enjoy something for many hours is a rare thing. Perhaps the experience of being together was as important as the story. I would recommend an activity of this kind for anyone. Even just a couple. I used to read books to Brent all the time without kids. I read him the Hobbit and all of the Lord of the Rings when we were young marrieds. I have read him many other books. Good times!!

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