I yearn to imbed a desire to create in both of my children, and I let Todd keep cutting and Brynn keep drawing faces. Then, I had an idea! Perhaps we could use my kids' extraordinary talents to make some cards! Unfortunately, the only pictures I could think of for "Labor Day Cards" were somewhat sardonic and ironic, thus we skipped ahead a holiday. (I didn't think it would be quite appropriate to cut and draw a pregnant woman screaming profanity because labor sucks soooo bad. Labor day......yes, I know it's not celebrating us women who perform great physical feats, but it should be!!!! OH yeah, that's mother's day. How the crap did I get off on this tangeant? )
Brynn drews her little faces on green paper, and I cut around them to make globby little monsters, and Todd just kept opening and closing the blades of some very dull little craft scissors while I strategicaly placed pieces of paper between the blades. Thus, on the picture Todd is holding, there are random monsters with big awkward jaws. When Todd saw his picture, he kept pointing and growling, which is what he is doing in the picture up there. Anyhow, I think the result it quite charming and the children and I are thinking of starting a line of designer stationary adorned with goofy monsters.
Awesome! I can almost hear their screams of joy!
Chelle - you are too cute. I can't believe how BIG Todd is! WOW. I wish I was there making Cards with you...
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