I love Halloween. Part of the reason we've enjoyed hanging out with Renfest types so often is because everyone loves an excuse to dress up. Modern clothes can be cute and comfortable, but as for just killer STYLE, give me Victorian or Regency era any day. I'm a girl who wishes it was still required to wear hats when one leaves the house.
But Fairview is really killing my Halloween buzz. We didn't have plans for the big day, but made them fast when our first group of trick-or-treaters made an appearance. A group of punky fourteen to eighteen year old kids, without costumes, rang our doorbell and requested candy. One of them was actually SMOKING. Come on, kid. Unless you tell me you're Anthony Bourdain, no candy for you!
Just in case any of you were thinking of moving to Effing-view!
Now, some pics:
The little girls really love to get in there and "help" us sew and grommet bodices. They mostly like to lose my pins and bobbins, then drive Toby crazy by shoving grommet pieces in the way at maddeningly inappropriate times.
In this first picture, Maggie is singing "Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star." Next, we see Ivy servicing the big sewing machine with a seam ripper and a point turner.
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